As adults we have been forced into a world of responsibility and practicality where money, bills, and jobs that many hate, the places we are forced to live in and dictate how we live, breathe, and experience the world. Dreaming of what could be allows us to tap into our imaginations reminding us what it feels like to be passionate about something. Somewhere along the line we have lost that connection to passion and purpose in life and replaced it with survival and responsibility. It is a fact that thoughts must happen before things happen and our imagination is the very thing that helps make that possible. Imagination is the ability to form a mental image of something that is not perceived through the five senses. It is the ability of the mind to imagine mental scenes, like objects or events that do not exist, are not present, or have happened in the past. Scientists and creative people have this amazing gift for thinking outside the box and allowing their imaginations the freedom to grow and evolve their thoughts, many of which have created products that have changed the way we live entirely. Without this creative power we may never have had the internet, smart-phones, airplanes, electricity, cars, television and all the other amazing technology we rely on every day. Imagination is the key ingredient to expansion and the advancement of our world. Watching the news and hearing about the violence, crime, sickness, and sadness in the world is enough to make anyone believe that things are falling apart. By falling into the trap of believing that this is just the way the world works, we become a victim and let go of all the dreams we try to achieve. Reality is merely an outward expression of what we have chosen to accept and focus on in the world. But when we turn our thoughts to that which we want to create in our lives, the possibilities are endless. With imagination why would we waste it focusing on the mundane when we could dream of what the world might be. We have the power to create so much more and it is up to us to use our imaginations to change our lives and our world for the better. The ability to imagine things spreads throughout our entire existence. It influences everything we do, think about and create. It leads to elaborate theories, dreams and inventions in any profession from the knowledge of academia to engineering, the arts, ocean science and satellites in the sky. Imagination makes it possible to experience a whole world inside the mind. It gives the ability to look at any situation from a different point of view, and to mentally explore the past and the future. We use our imagination whenever we plan a party, a trip, our work or a meeting. We use it when we describe an event, explain how to arrive to a certain street, write a book, inventing an instrument, designing a dress or a house, or painting a picture. The creative power of imagination has an important role in the achievement of success in any field. What we imagine with faith and feelings comes into being. It is the important ingredient of creative visualization, positive thinking and affirmations.